A while back I worked with a virtual organizer from California who helped me organize closets, rooms and drawers. She spent 3 hours each session (via Facetime) teaching me how to break down the overwhelming task into manageable steps. Here are a few takeaways that continue to help me stay organized:
- Determine the specific items that will be stored in the closet
- Remove EVERYTHING from the closet.
- Sort items into Keep, Donate, Relocate, Undecided & Trash
- Be realistic. If the item is rarely used or worn, or you’re holding on to something “just in case” … let it go
- For the undecided clothes/items ask yourself, “Does it bring me joy?” If yes, keep it. If not, let it give joy to someone else. This might seem trite, but it works.
- Discerning whether to keep sentimental items is a little tougher. I’m very sentimental and I was holding onto many things merely because they belonged to a loved one or a distant relative. The same joy question applies here. Once I decided to let some of these items go, I was encouraged to hold the item, appreciate its history, appreciate who it belonged to and be thankful. This helped me tremendously.
- Most organizers recommend using containers and I encourage sellers to do the same when preparing to sell.
I spent months organizing my house but the 2 areas that brought me the most satisfaction were the hall linen closet & my kitchen towel drawer. To me they are works of art. Folding towels in a uniform way seems insignificant but it brings order to an otherwise messy closet/drawer. Check out this you tube demonstration on how to fold towels: how to fold towels